Booking Simplicity
Working with Anytime Booking © we have produced a simple and effective way for you to select a pitch, make a reservation and pay your deposit using our interactive pitch map. Automated emails confirm your booking and remind you seven days before balances are due. Conditions apply to all bookings.
Uncomplicated Quality
Whilst keen to constantly improve the touring and camping facilities, Cosawes Park has remained successfully loyal to campings more ‘rustic’ roots. You will not find club-houses or bars, swings, roundabouts, swimming pools or noisy entertainment. Situated in a designated area of outstanding natural beauty, our biggest strengths are superb practical facilities and the peace, quiet, and un-spoilt nature of the environment. Indeed, we have held a prestigious Gold David Bellamy Award for our conservation efforts since 2012. If you want the all-singing-and-dancing touring park, we are probably not for you!
Superb practical facilities
Hard-standing pitches

Grass Pitches

Exercise Fields

Spacious Showers

Hot Water


Washing Up

Tourist Information

Disabled Facilities

Don't take our word for it
We’re confident enough to link you straight to our reviews on third party booking sites;, & trip advisor where we have no influence on what our customers say. Click the blue + triangle in the top right hand corner to see what others are saying about us. Good, bad, they’re all there!

tranquillity: Synonyms of tranquillity in English: NOUN peace, peacefulness, restfulness, repose, reposefulness, calm, calmness, quiet, quietness, quietude, silence, hush, noiselessness, stillness, serenity, sedateness, placidity, mildness – yep, that about sums us up!